
#Sticky9 Spotted (29/10/2015)

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Hi Sticky9ers! We love seeing what you get up to and how you use #Sticky9. Here are some of our favourites… 

1. @iamiaboutique


Lovely Square Prints @iamiaboutique Great work. 

2. @samikaze


Using a mix of our Classic Magnets and Jigsaw, our friend @samikaze has created this wonderful collage. 

3. @lissjudd


@lissjudd has created her very own memory lane. <3

4. @melyeatesphotography


Melissa spent 7-8 months working at Mt. Hotham in Australia. No wonder her Magnets are absolutely amazing! 

If you’d like to be featured in the next edition of Sticky9 Spotted make sure you tag your photos with #Sticky9.  

Stay up to date with the latest news, competitions and offers from Sticky9 by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Trick or Treat? Win a Magnet Wall Frame #Stickyween

It’s nearly time for everyone’s favourite FRIGHT night! Yes, All Hallows’ Eve is fast approaching which means it’s time for our Sticky9 Instagram Halloween competition.


From now until midnight on the 2nd of November we want YOU to scare us with your best (or maybe we should say worst?) scary images! Tag your Instagram photos with #Stickyween to be in with the chance of winning a Magnet Wall Frame.  If you have a private account you can still enter by sending us your images in a private message.


Now for the important stuff…

1. Competition entry closes midnight Nov 2nd

2. We will only accept one entry per user

3. If you have a private Instagram account please take a screenshot of your post and send it to us by private message on Instagram

4. The winner will be announced on the blog Nov 3rd

Looking for some spooky inspiration, take a look at last years winners:

Stay up to date with the latest news, competitions and offers from Sticky9 by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Sticky9 Square Prints Memory Game

There are so many wonderful ways to enjoy Sticky9.  But hey, don’t take our word for it, check out what our friend Victoria from the Scissors & Sage blog has created. A memory game made with Sticky9 Square Prints.


Besides being a really fun game Victoria says her “favourite part of this project is that you can use photos from any kind of life event, trip, or celebration. You can create the game for yourself, or give it to someone special. The photos could be of a special birthday, a newly engaged couple, a vacation, a beloved pet or child, you name it… ” Victoria, we salute you! 

Fancy making your own? Here’s how… 


You’ll need:
A set of Sticky9 Square Prints, they come in sets of 27. This is perfect: 13 photos (2x) + one extra for the title photo.

Rules (for two players):

  1. Turn all photos upside down on the floor. Scatter the pairs randomly to create either a grid (easier) or a collage (harder) of photos.
  2. The first player turns over two cards at random. If they don’t match, turn them back over for the second player’s turn. If they do match, put them to the side and play again. Continue your turn until you turn over two cards that do not match.
  3. Continue playing until no cards remain. The person with the most matched sets wins.
  4. Optional:  Play best of three to determine who will wash dishes after dinner, walk the dog early in the morning, or do the laundry next.

We absolutely love this idea. Thanks so much Victoria for sharing this fun game! So, how do you use your Sticky9 Square Prints

For more inspiration from our community and the latest news from Sticky9HQ follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

#100KYAY Competition

Sticky9ers! This month we reached 100,000 followers on Instagram (YAY!) We want to THANK you for being part of our Sticky9 community! We launched an Instagram competition to celebrate this amazing milestone and we are pleased to announce the winner of #100KYAY is (drum roll please)… @rmn0611.

Congratulations @rmn0611! We hope you enjoy your 5 sets of Magnets! 


To stay up to date with our latest competitions and offers, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

#Sticky9 Spotted - (30/09/15)

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It’s time for another edition of Sticky9 Spotted. Check out these amazing Sticky9 creations from our brilliant community. 

1. @plumms_


Our friend @plumms_ decided to turn his living room into a Sticky9 Magnet Wall Frame Gallery. @plumms_ We salute you! 

2. @designangel 


Believe it or not… This is a magnetic wall. @designangel filled it with her most cherished moments. <3 Excellent Magnet work. 

3. @elena_secunda


Whether she’s in the city or the countryside @elena_secunda always takes amazing photos and turns them into Sticky9 Square Prints. :) 

4. @isabelledegrieck


@isabelledegrieck is working on her #SewingHallOfFame by filling the wall with Square Prints of her cute daughters. We love it! 

5. @CrzyD3bz 


Another way to use Sticky9 Magnets in the kitchen? Create your own placemat. What a great idea @CrzyD3bz!

That’s it for this edition of Sticky9 spotted.  Thanks to everyone who shared their photos.  Share your Sticky9 creations with us using #Sticky9. 

We’re very social you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Sticky9 helping the planet one order at a time :)

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Oh hi there Sticky9ers! We’re guessing you may have noticed that we love animals at Sticky9HQ.  It’s true, we do. We love animals, nature, people, heck we love this big old beautiful planet we call home. That’s why we’ve been taking steps to do our bit to combat global warming - first step, making Sticky9 production and shipping carbon neutral :)


So with this in mind… we are absolutely DELIGHTED to tell you about our new project with ClimatePartner (a leading European specialist for climate protection).  Starting today every Sticky9 order will generate between 10C and €1 (depending on size) towards the forest protection project in Kasigau, Kenya.

So what’s the project and how does it help combat global warming?
The forest protection project in Kasigau, Kenya counteracts the devastating effects of deforestation in Kenya’s Kasigau Wildlife Corridor and prevents the emission of more than 1m tons of CO2 annually.  It also helps to preserve local biodiversity and the integrity of an entire ecosystem (This includes zebras, cheetahs, lions and depending on the season, over 500 African elephants - Wow! 500 elephants!!!).


Does this mean I’ll have to pay more to use Sticky9?

No, not at all! Our prices aren’t going to change as a result of our new carbon neutral project. :) Sticky9 will be donating between €0.10 and €1 on behalf of every order to help fund this fantastic project. It means you can place your Sticky9 order safe in the knowledge that we are doing our best to look after the planet (not forgetting the animals, of course!). Pretty cool right? What do you think Mr Elephant?


Sounds great! How can I find out more?
To find out more about this project please click here

It’s time for a Sticky9 Makeover!

Wow! There has been A LOT of change at Sticky9 over the past 6 months.  We’ve created our first App launched *new* products and we have even more surprises up our sleeves.

As the great Heraclitus once said “there is nothing permanent except change” - this is definitely true at Sticky9HQ! And we wouldn’t have it any other way… So this got us thinking, if Sticky9 is changing maybe it’s about time we freshened up our look! *Eek it’s time for a Sticky9 makeover*


Once we decided it was time for a change, our Tyler started work on the Sticky9 transformation! He showed his concepts to our team, and it’s safe to say we absolutely LOVED them! Although, as a team we couldn’t decide on a favourite. After many, many, MANY hours of debate, our Social Media Superstar Afonso chimed in with a suggestion… “Guys! Let’s ask the people of London, let them decide!”  So that’s exactly what we did…


Sticky9ers! The great people of London have spoken.  So without further ado we present to you the new look Sticky9 *Cheering*.


Note: fireworks not included. Just added for dramatic effect ;)


We’d love to know what you think! Please let us know in the comments box below.  Or tell us your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Two tickets to DisneyLand Paris up for grabs! #S9DisneyDream

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Hey Sticky9ers! Oh boy, do we have a competition for you! We have two tickets to DisneyLand Paris to give away thanks to our lovely friends to celebrate our latest partnership. 

No way! How do I enter?

Ahh, it’s simple.

Share a video or photo on Instagram telling us why you should win the Disneyland Paris tickets using the hashtag #S9DisneyDream (Singing Disney songs is encouraged).

How long is the competition running?

The competition ends on the 10th August.  The Attactiontix team will pick the winners and Sticky9 will contact the winner via Instagram on the 14th August.

So what exactly is the prize?

You will win two full days’ admission to the 2 DisneyLand Paris parks!  For more information on the type of tickets click here.  You’ll even get FASTPASS tickets so you can whizz past the queues for the most popular rides (zoooom - that’s speedy!).

Good Luck Sticky9ers! We can’t wait to see your video or photo! Don’t forget to hashtag #S9DisneyDream to take part (wahoo!)

Also from today, the first 2500 customers to book their Disneyland Paris tickets with AttractionTix will receive a set of Sticky9 Magnets to treasure their precious Disneyland Paris memories! You can find out more about the offer and our latest partnership here.

Sticky9 Spotted (29/6/15)

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We always like to keep an eye on our Sticky9ers, what a source of inspiration you are!  Here’s what some of you have been up to: 

1. @bmarie35


Our friend Brianna from Seattle, WA has made her fridge look like a rainbow, we love it! 

2. @anna.aker


We are really amazed by the interior decoration skills that Anna has, using our prints in such a lovely way.

3. @hectorschnauzer


We imagine Lennie will be a bit jealous of us sharing these Magnets… Hector the schnauzer is such a cute pooch… and doesn’t he just look great on these Magnets (You have competition Lennie). 

4. @serah.overton


Little Ethan celebrated turning 1!  His mother Serah celebrated with this wonderful Magnet display (awww!). 

5. @anaphotonyc


Ana is an amazing photographer and she’s “Plotting out a wall installation at home… Sometimes I have to audition them for a while before they are invited to stay”. - Great job Ana! 

We hope you enjoyed this edition of Sticky9 Spotted, don’t forget to share your Sticky9 creations with us using #Sticky9 

Ten Facts about Lennie

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Last week, everyone’s favourite cheeky-chappy Lennie took over our social media channels (honestly, we can’t leave him alone for 5 minutes!) Lennie is the true entre’paw’neur behind StickyK9.  We think it’s time you got to know our Lennie! So here are our ten favourite facts about our favourite cute-ster pug (sorry, we mean serious business-dog. Of course!)


1. First of all why is Lennie called Lennie?  Lennie is short for Leonardo - Lennie’s parents loved art so they named him after the great Leonardo da Vinci… But you can call him Lennie. :) 

2. Lennie LOVES bacon. He also loves asparagus… but only if it’s wrapped in bacon.

3. His favourite TV show is Game of Thrones. Lennie is currently writing a fan-fiction called “Game of Pugs” so stay tuned!

4. Lennie “claims” he went on a date with Beyoncé before she was famous.

5. Lennie has travelled the world, his passport is chock-a-block with stamps. He dreams of visiting Argentina one day (for the steak). 

6. Lennie doesn’t have a favourite sport perse. Unless you count “chasing an old tennis ball”. A sport?… hmmm, If it was a sport, Lennie would be the world champion. 

7. At the moment Lennie lives in East London in an up-and-coming  neighbourhood. He lives by himself and enjoys bachelor’s lifestyle.

8. When the song “Who let the dogs out” is played, Lennie goes crazy although his music of choice is always classic rock.  AlthoughWe have caught him listening to Phil Collins (which Lennie strongly denies).

9.  As you may have noticed one of Lennie’s favourite pastimes is annoying the postman. This (sort of) friendly feud started when the postie patted Lennie on the head and said “isn’t he cute”. Lennie DOES NOT like being called cute, adorable, sweet, lovely, precious, etc.  (Aww, he’s so cute when he’s grumpy!). 

10. Lennie doesn’t have a driver’s licence. Which is why every weekend someone from the Sticky9 team takes him for a drive around London, so he can enjoy the view, with his head hanging out the window (reminding everyone that he IS the top-dog in this town). 

So there you have it, our top 10 favourite facts about Lennie the pug! Don’t forget to follow him on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with his adventures and the latest from StickyK9. Woof! 

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