Welcome to the world of Sticky9! Here’s our shiny new TV ad to help you get to know us.

We Love Magnets

Sticky9 entered the big wide world back in 2011 with a dream of turning your favourite Instagram snaps into 9 Magnets. Our LOVE of Magnets is the reason behind our name Sticky9 (because Magnets stick and you get 9 per sheet, got it?).

A LOT has changed since 2011, we now print ALL your photos (not just Instagrams) on a variety of cool stuff like Posters, Square Prints and much more.

Sticky9 is growing

Right now, we make magnets, custom phone cases and iPad covers from your photos but the Sticky9 collection is set to grow.

We promise, if our products don't make US go, ‘WOW!’ then you won't ever see them. Simple. Get ready for more photo fun.


Our team has grown since 2011, we’re still the same old friendly humans, although there are 19 of us now. Sticky9HQ is still based in SUNNY London (okay it’s rainy, not sunny) but we manufacture across the globe to make sure you receive your orders as quick as a flash!

Some of us build things on the internet and do fancy maths. We all have our special ‘thing’ – but we also have one thing in common...

We all LOVE Sticky9!

In case you were wondering, here’s the 9 reasons we’re called Sticky9

1. Our team has 9 pets (we love animals)
2. Our team speaks 9 languages (incl. Geordie)
3. One of us only has 9 toes
4. We have 9 fridges in the office (true story)
5. All the best parties happened in '99
6. Our first developer lives in S10 (which might as well be S9)
7. There were 9 of us to begin with
8. We average 9 cups of tea a day (each)
9. Our favourite ice cream is a ‘99 (shame they no longer cost 99p)

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